Monday, March 14, 2011

Quickie at CVS

I was just at CVS yesterday, but I went back today!  I wanted to post today about what I got today but I should probably mention the deal I got yesterday too.  Yesterday I took advantage of my previous raincheck for Purex detergent for $1.99 and used three $1 off one coupons getting three bottles for 99cents each.  I purchased tampax with a $2 coupon and a package of kotex that was on clearance, with my raincheck and coupons and $6.98 in extracare bucks from a previous purchase (which I held onto because I knew I'd be back for the detergent) I ended up paying $3.09 out of pocket, I was impressed all day about it!

Then I read on that the clairol natural instincts hairdye I like to use was on sale and I had seen the $5 off 2 coupon in this Sunday's coupons.  I was some glad I had the clerk put it back on my last Shaw's trip because tonight I grabbed two boxes of dye that were on clearance for $2.24 each and used the $5 off 2 coupon meaning the hairdye was FREE.  I was used a $2 off visine coupon and like recommended used it to buy the travel size at the counter for $1.99, meaning it was FREE.  When I entered the store and scanned my card I got a coupon for 50cents off one dove, so I grabbed the 99cent candybar in case there was an overage on the clairol coupon, but the clerk said she could only ring it in for the $4.48 total of the products, which I thin k is unfair because the store is geting their $5 back for the coupon plus processing, but she's just the clerk, and I was still getting it for nothing so I couldn't really complain.  There are no pictures of my deal today, batteries in the camera were dead and when I went to retrieve two more from our usual large stash I found only one single AA battery left, guess I better find me a good battery deal asap!

During my shopping trip yesterday I ran into a friend who is getting better at this than me after reading my blog and she advised me of something she saw on one of the blogs I recommend in the tips for shopping at CVS about their bag tag, that you get a bag tag and every four times you use it you get $1 back, so I asked the clerk that day and he confirmed that information, but I didn't have a bag that day.  Today I did, but the clerk didn't tell me yesterday that you have to pay 99cents for the bag tag!  But its still worth it, can't complain to walk about of CVS with two boxes of hairdye that retail for $8.99 reguarly, visine eye drops, a candy bar and a bag tag (wow I just realized they could have called it something else!) for only $1.90 out of pocket!

And in regards to the coupon overage I mentioned previously; I am not aware of CVS' coupon policy, but the websites I check often have said that walmart has a new coupon policy that does allow overage, specifically stating in the policy it can be cash back or put towards another purchase.  I have some high value coupons that I can get lower items with (a $3 gain fabric softener coupon and they sell the small count for less than $2), and I am really interested in to see if I go in with such coupons and buy only those products if they'll give me cash back.  I have other stuff I need to get at wal-mart too and I could just have that put towards those other items, but for some reason I feel the need to try to actually get cash back, I think that will just make me feel better! :)  I'll let you know how that works out. 

Happy Saving!

1 comment:

  1. Great deals! I was super excited about my deals that day as well...and running into the "coupon crusader" while on my shopping venture...was even more exciting! :) I was wiped out after that I had to put Rite Aid off until another day!
