Thursday, March 10, 2011


Okay so I've been slacking lately on the posts, I apologize.  I have been slacking on trips too, truth is couponing like this takes time and money, both of which have been short for me lately!  But none the less some good deals I found and some good deals I share.

I thought I had blogged about my Shaw's trip last week but that must have been a dream.  A few things I snagged at a great deal were the Thomas plain bagels, bogo.  The arnold bread was also bogo and I had a 55 cent off one coupon which Shaws doubles and I had two of these coupons, I was going to get four loafs of bread but there was only three on the shelf, so I got myself a raincheck and used both coupons.  The bread retails at $4.79, with the $2.20 in coupons I paid $2.19 for two loafs of bread, can't beat that!  I also took advantage of my prior raincheck I had for the pick 4 meat deal which was pick 4 meats for $19.99, I had the rebate written out for 4 of the Perdue perfect portions, which is individually wrapped trimmed skinless boneless chicken breast, 5 to a package.  I didn't see them right off the butcher was filling the cooler so I asked him about them and told him of raincheck, he said the chicken used to be $6.99 a package when the pick 4 deal was going on, but had since gone up to $9.99 a package, I scored 4 packages for $19.99 so I essentially got them half off.

This week at Shaw's I took advantage of brocolli at 99 cents a pound, because well we love brocolli in this house! All but the boy but he doesn't eat much of anything so his opinion really doesn't count.  Funny story here as I was getting my brocolli so was an older lady and she gave me heck for not shaking out the water, complaining how they water the veggies when they don't need to then they get extra money out of you because you're paying for the water when they weight it at the checkout, well, she is right, so we stood there and shook the heck out of our brocolli together.  Then she peered in my cart and said "oh I see you're buying items that are on sale, can I look and make sure I didn't miss anything?" I told her of course!  And we compared items we were buying, the coupons we had, and the savings we were getting, both agreeing we were pretty damn good shoppers!

I scored these bags of chicken at a steal of $2.20 each.  They are reguarly $6.79 each, were bogo this week and because I have been getting coupon books from others and had four of the same coupon book I had four coupons for $1 off one. 

I also scored these cans of pasta sauce, which is the brand I usually buy anyways because its the cheapest and it actually taste good (yeah sometimes, okay most of the time the cheapest of anything is, for lack of a better term, crap.) for only 9 cents each.  Sometime ago I printed off two coupons for 45 cents off 1, which Shaws doubles, and they retail for 99 cents. 

I also took advantage of the bogo free on Lay's chips, which we don't need to be stuffing our faces with chips in this house, but maybe they'll come in handy for a get together if we dont' eat them before then.

I thought I was going to score a great deal on hair dye again because the brand I buy had some on clearance at half price and I had a $2 off coupon meaning I'd snag it for about $2.50 but the cashier alerted me to the fact that my coupon had expired, and I had her take the hair dye off, BUT because it had been rung through their coupon printer printed me off a current coupon for $3 of 2 of that brand dye, so I just might find myself back there and get two for about $3 each.

I also scored two boxes of candy hearts and a huge bag of valentine lollipops for the kids for just 98cents total.  They totally don't mind eating Valentine candy after Valentine's day is over! 

Last week I also saved $16.75 at Wal-Mart for stuff I reguarly buy and needed.  I got free ibroprofen at Target with their $1 off one up and up pain reliever coupon on their website and would have scored free excedrin with a combination of the store coupon and manufact. coupon but they were out, apparently there are many more couponers out there in the world that know how to snag a good deal!  I got some cleaning wipes for less than $1 after again using target coupons with maufact. coupons.  If you have not you must check out Target's online coupons, combining these with a manufact. coupon can score you items for free or next to nothing, and they change pretty much daily, if you see something you could use, print it then!  Even if you don't have a manufact coupon for it you might get one later before the target coupon expires.

I did take two friends couponing with me last weekend, or was that the weekend before? Sometimes time flies by way too fast.  We didn't get as good of savings as I had hoped because it was either a bad week for sales for items either one of us could really use or the good stuff was already gone.

So I just haven't had the time to hit Rite Aid or CVS or Walgreens this week, I have checked and for the deals there this week, and if there had been something I just had to have and was too good to be true I'd have made it there, and well the week ain't over yet!

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